RFK Jr. is Weird - Part 1: Jeffrey Epstein, Bears and Brain Worms

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is weird. His campaign for President in 2024 has been filled with bizarre statements and stories about his weird and off-putting behavior. This post will document a short sampling of some of the weird things RFK Jr. has said and done.

RFK Jr. announced during his campaign for President that a worm had partially eaten his brain.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Brain Worm Brainworm

RFK Jr. has spread a baseless conspiracy theory that Covid was "ethnically targeted" to spare Jews and Chinese people.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Covid Jews

RFK Jr. found a dead bear, put it in his car, and dumped it in Central Park in New York City. Just objectively weird behavior.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Central Park Bear

Even more bizarre he had a picture taken of himself with the dead bear.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bear Central Park

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bear Central Park Tweet

The weird bear story made national and international news at the time.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bear Central Park Tweets Tweet

People at the time were calling for the person responsible to be prosecuted.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bear Central Park Twitter Petition

RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist who believes the term "conspiracy theory" is a conspiracy theory.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Conspiracy Theory Theorist

He's also opined on his WiFi conspiracy theories for Joe Rogan's millions of listeners.

RFK Jr. is Weird WiFi Conspiracy Theory Joe Rogan

RFK Jr. is Weird WiFi Conspiracy Theory Joe Rogan

RFK Jr. has also admitted how he would hang out with sex creeps Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Roger Ailes and Bill Cosby among others. 

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Jeffrey Epstein

So it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that RFK Jr. has been accused of sexual assault.

RFK Jr. is Weird Sexual Assault

A charge which he does not deny.

RFK Jr. is Weird Sexual Assault

When it comes to policy, RFK Jr.'s plans aren't particularly interesting or well thought out. For example there are numerous reasons his plan to spend hundred of billions of dollars buying Bitcoin via executive order is incredibly dumb. 

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Bitcoin

It's been obvious since the beginning of his presidential campaign the RFK Jr.'s goal is to help Donald Trump get elected.

RFK Jr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Donald Trump Leaked Call

Here are a handful of tweets showing how people have been reacting to RFK Jr.'s weird behavior:

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

RFK Jr. is Weird Brain Worm Joe Biden

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

RFK Jr is Weird Brain Worm News Cycle

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets IASIP

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

Weird former comedian, conspiracy theorist and podcaster Joe Rogan came out in support of RFK Jr. before being forced to walk back the endorsement after his right-wing audience came after him. 

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets Joe Rogan

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

RFK Jr. is Weird Dead Bear Donald Trump Porn Star JD Vance Couch

Even the NYC Sanitation Department is dunking on RFK JR.

RFK Jr. is weird Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Twitter Tweets

This is part one of a two-part series. You can find the companion post here: RFK Jr. is Weird - Part 2: Vaccines and Anti-Vaxx Nonsense.


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