
Showing posts from August, 2024

RFK Jr. is Weird - Part 2: Vaccines and Anti-Vaxx Nonsense

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is weird. His campaign for President in 2024 has been filled with bizarre statements and stories about his weird and off-putting behavior. This is noting new. Prior to his run for President, RFK Jr. was best known as a conspiracy theorist who regularly made false statements about the safety of vaccines. This post will document a short sampling of some of the anti-vaxx things RFK Jr. has said over the decades. RFK Jr. is not well versed on the topics he talks about and should not be listened to: In 2011 Rolling Stone retracted RFK Jr.'s 2005 article "Deadly Immunity" that claimed vaccines cause autism. retracted the same article. In 2013 RFK Jr. called Slate to yell at them about his vaccine conspiracy theories . Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s elaborate conspiracy theory is just as delusional and dangerous. Rather than accepting the findings of the Institute of Medicine, the National Institute of Mental Health, or the American Academy of Pediatrics

RFK Jr. is Weird - Part 1: Jeffrey Epstein, Bears and Brain Worms

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is weird. His campaign for President in 2024 has been filled with bizarre statements and stories about his weird and off-putting behavior. This post will document a short sampling of some of the weird things RFK Jr. has said and done. RFK Jr. announced during his campaign for President that a worm had partially eaten his brain. RFK Jr. has spread a baseless conspiracy theory that Covid was "ethnically targeted" to spare Jews and Chinese people. RFK Jr. found a dead bear, put it in his car, and dumped it in Central Park in New York City. Just objectively weird behavior. Even more bizarre he had a picture taken of himself with the dead bear. The weird bear story made national and international news at the time. People at the time were calling for the person responsible to be prosecuted. RFK Jr. is a conspiracy theorist who believes the term "conspiracy theory" is a conspiracy theory. He's also opined on his WiFi conspiracy theories for Joe Ro

Conservative Commentators and Republican Pundits are Weird

Conservative commentators and Republican pundits are weird. Here's a small sample of some of the bizarre and off-putting behavior they've engaged in recently: Matt Walsh is weird Jesse Watters is weird Ben Shapiro is weird Elon Musk is weird Dave Rubin is weird Steven Crowder is weird Tim Pool is weird Scott Adams is weird Tucker Carlson is weird The Daily Wire's Andrew Klavan is weird The Wall Street Journal's Jason Riley is weird Trump supporters are weird Voters when they realize how weird Donald Trump and the Republican Party have become.